Sunday, May 31, 2020

How to Prepare for Behavioral Based Interviewing

How to Prepare for Behavioral Based Interviewing What is a behavioral interview? Developed three decades ago by industrial psychologists, behavioral (also known as competency based) interviews have rapidly grown in popularity and most organizations now use them to some extent. Unlike your traditional interviewing techniques, which are based around popping open questions to the candidate, behavioral interviews focus on past performance and behaviors. The behavioral interview will give you the chance to showcase your competencies such as skills, abilities and knowledge through specific examples from your experience. The interviewer doesn’t want to hear what you think you can do in the future; they want to know what you have done and how you did it. It’s all about how your past performance being the guiding light for your future performance. Why companies love them In a traditional interview, it’s easy for the candidate to let their imagination run wild and say exactly what the interviewer wants to hear: “Work late nights and some weekends? No problemo. Increase my travel to 100%? Sure thing.” In the behavioral interview, you will have to back your gung-ho work ethic with real-life examples, detailing how you handled specific situations. You will most likely be asked to specifics and quantify your answer as much as possible, allowing the interviewer to check your facts with referees, should it get to that stage. The bottom line is that the behavioral interview is not about potential scenarios. It’s about what you have done and how you did it, making it very tough to fabulate any answers in the interview. Reasons to master the behavioral interview Anyone that prepares for a behavioral interview will engage in introspection and as a result you will be better prepared for behavioral as well as for old school interviews. It’s easy to dazzle junior interviewers with behavioral answers, given that they are impressive and backed up by your facts. You will develop a few good stories that you can use in other contexts, such as networking events and sales meetings. The best companies to work for tend to make use of behavioral interviewing, so if you want to work there you best get practicing now. How to prepare for a behavioral interview Before you start preparing you answers, you have to determine what competencies you think the employer is looking for. Do your research, who else is doing this job? What does the job specification say? Speak to your recruiter, HR contacts, people in your network. Any company is likely to look for a combination of the following skills: communication, creativity, attention to detail, management material, action orientation, loyalty, ability to make/save money, team player, enthusiasm and flexibility. Identify and rank these based on the job you are interviewing for. Now come up with specific examples where you have demonstrated these competencies. For ideas on what questions and answers to work on, see the list of typical behavioral interview questions. Whatever the question and answer may be, there is a useful tool for your delivery. The best way to tell someone about a specific event and how it went is to employ the STAR model: Give the interviewer the Situation or Task that you had to resolve. Then describe the Action you took and what Result or outcome you achieved. Be as specific as possible, add any relevant components to your answer such as the people, environment, scale and scope. Be open about the outcome, whether it was a complete success or a result that you could learn from in order to do things better next time. You now have to practice, practice, practice and turn your real-life competencies into interesting stories. More on effective story telling in interviews here. You call to action When we are happy and working away at our jobs, we don’t really take notice of our achievements. In order to be prepared for a behavioral interview long before you even consider changing jobs, you will want to take notes and track your progress on a daily basis. The more you write and think about it, the more specific you are going to be in an interview, much to the delight of the impressed interviewer. Have you been in a behavioral interview and did you behave well enough to land the job?! RELATED: How to Behave in Behavioral Interviews Image: Shutterstock

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Why You Need to Use a Team Lead Resume Template

Why You Need to Use a Team Lead Resume TemplateAre you getting tired of reading through the same old boring Team Lead resume template? Then here is a free template to help get you out of the rut.Team Lead Resume Templates is free to download so you can use it and modify it for your specific needs. So why should you have to use that same boring resume template over again? This free template will do the trick for you.The first thing you want to remember when trying to land a job with a company for a long time is that you need to always stay on top of your game. You need to look great every time you apply. If you don't show that you have improved, you will be seen as one of those 'bigger' resumes that just didn't stand out enough.The more opportunities you get the better chance you have of being considered for positions at many different companies. But if you can't stand yourself in an interview you will be seen as one of those people who don't have the 'it' factor necessary to impress the hiring manager.Sometimes people come from different disciplines and careers and are looking for a new career path. Team Leaders finds it hard to leave the corporation where they are employed because it feels like home. When they first started they were given freedom to choose how they wanted to run their career.You need to be able to adapt quickly to a new environment and to be good at it. Team Leaders are the ones who know how to keep a job open. When you are a Team Leader you will always be willing to take the next step forward, even if it means giving up your current position.Now, I am not saying that you should never be flexible. You still need to make a case for why you are the best candidate for a particular job. However, if you are an Administrative Team Leader then you will need to be able to make a compelling argument that you have experience and training in an area that would be good for the position you are applying for.With a Team Lead resume template you will get ri d of those resume 'knock offs'. You will be a lot more likely to get hired if you make sure that you have a solid, well designed resume.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

What Can You Do In Two Minutes - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

What Can You Do In Two Minutes - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career The answer is… A lot! Everyone has the same amount of time every day. How you decide to use that time is, for the most part, up to you. We all get the same 86,400 seconds every day. Use them wisely (and occasionally) in 120 second bursts! Consider  the Two Minute Drill There is a school of thought that says if you can get something done in two minutes to just do it and get it off your plate. Using this model of task management has its detractors and its challengers. One Big Question Are these the right things to do in those two minute drills? This is where ABC prioritization comes in. But, theres more on that a little later. Using the Two Minute Drill Its as obvious as it sounds. Pick a task Do it (within two minutes) Move on In theory you can get 30 tasks done in an hour. Sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less. Because some Two Minute Drills” dont actually take two minutes. Time Check: Too often … the time you spend thinking about them,  procrastinating about them and deciding whether you should delegate them can take more than the two  minutes to actually get the thing done. Rule of Thumb: If you can do it in TWO … get it through! Three Risks of Two Minute Drills 1. Getting the Right Things Done One possible risk of using the two minute rule too extensively is that you can unintentionally spend your days doing non-critical tasks. And, if you never move the needle youre at risk of not getting the right things done.  Use the Two Minute Drill wisely. Knowing how and when to employ  a Two Minute Drill is as critical as knowing when you should apply the 4D’s of Time Management. Using both of these wisely will help you stand out in your career. Using Two Minute Drills is  a balancing act Use ABC prioritization to stack rank what gets added to your Two Minute Drill. Where “A” tasks are important and critical; “B” tasks are important, but not critical; and “C” items should probably be delegated or dumped. This is where your personal goals and professional goals need to be applied as a litmus test to help you decide what will make it into  your Two Minute Drills. 2. Rapid Task Switching Multitasking is a myth.  Some people are better at rapid task switching than others, but its shown that  Multi-Tasking does not work … as I wrote about in 7 Tips for Hearing More and Doing More. Thats OK!  The fact is … you  CAN use Two Minute Drills to get things done (GTD). 3. Interruptions Happen Every day we get the same amount of time. We get to decide where and how to  spend  it. Interruptions from peers, bosses, family, and other things will change our plans. We can just deal with them as they come up. We all get the same 86,400 seconds per day. Use them wisely (and occasionally) in 120 second bursts! Bonus: Take a Break As you are  executing your Two Minute Drills  dont forget to take an occasional break. As I wrote about in Entrepreneur Why You Should Take 10 Minutes a Day to Do NOTHING. Are Two Minute Drills for You? I cannot guarantee Two Minute Drills will work for you. However,  they are worth trying. It’s a very simple model that can be tried a few times and tested in your real-world working conditions. I hope you give Two Minute Drills a try and that you  take Two Minutes to add a comment here about how they’ve worked for you. Decide it. Do it. Move on!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How Office Clutter Decreases Your Productivity

How Office Clutter Decreases Your Productivity Life is full of distractions, and these distractions don’t disappear when we step into the officeâ€"in most cases, they increase. Conflicting deadlines, multiple projects, chatty colleagues, and constantly buzzing cell phones combine in a recipe for thwarted productivity. Add a cluttered office to the mix and you can kiss efficiency goodbye. While everyone has a different tolerance for mess and clutter, generally, the more physical buildup in a space, the more overloaded our senses become. Its all about process management.   If youd like to learn more about systems to increase productivity in your business,   that will help control the overall operation of your business.    But if you want to   find out how clutter affects your mental state and productivity and do what you can to alleviate this issue, read on. The Reasons We Collect For some of us, materials add up because we fear throwing them away in case need arises later. For others, sentimental value creates a bond to inanimate objects. This attachment to physical objects might be surprising, but it’s backed by scientific evidence. One Yale study found that two parts of the brain connected to pain are stimulated when individuals are forced to give up a physical possession, meaning letting go of our material items can actually cause us to feel bona fide physical discomfort. Physical Clutter As the average employee spends more than 40 hours a week at their desk, it only stands to reason that things tend to build up. This mountain of clutter can result in a large amount of wasted time; one study reported that workers spend on average a week a year looking for misplaced items in their workspace. An excess of materials in your work area can overstimulate the senses, as your brain is forced to take in competing visuals. This inner brain competition can result in heightened stress and reduced productivity. Make sure you use quality materials.   Have you ever reached for a pen only to find that its out of ink or has stopped working?   Invest in high quality carbon fiber pens and other durable materials to increase productivity. How to Minimize Clutter Knowing how drastically clutter can affect workflow, it’s essential to take steps to ensure your workspace remains orderly and clear of mess. Buy office desks that incorporate a minimalist design, keep decorative objects to a minimum, and utilize office storage options to keep office materials from piling up on your desk surface. Find modern organizers to keep small knick knacks sorted and within arms’ reach. Most modern positions rely on computer workâ€"in fact, 80 percent of the work force is employed in a position that requires no physical laborâ€"and clutter doesn’t stop in the physical sphere. Electronic clutter can be just as detrimental to work flow. A desktop filled with various unorganized documents and applications, an unread email count that displays a number in the hundreds, and a bevy of social media channels that are constantly pinging are the type of technological clutter that many employees don’t realize are affecting their productivity throughout the day. Take the time to sort emails into task-specific folders, delete erroneous documents, and remove excess icons from your desktop to avoid visual overstimulation. Set Aside Time to Organize Instead of letting clutter build up to the point that you can’t focus and are forced to purge your office of items, set up a time each day to do a bit of organizing. Even ten minutes before you’re set to leave for home, take the time to put documents in the proper place, go through and delete any emails you no longer need, and wipe down your work area. You’ll thank yourself when you come in the next morning ready to get to work. Go Paperless If you have documents you need to hold onto or access easily, scan them into digital versions to cut down on paper clutter overtaking your desk. Some of these papers will then be disposable; the ones that you need to hold onto can be filed away out of sight, while the necessary information will be available at your fingertips on your computer. A Messy Impression Beyond affecting your individual work efforts, maintaining a cluttered, messy desk may have a negative impact on how peers and supervisors see you. Appearance can be everything, even (or sometimes especially) in the professional sector. If your desk looks disorganized and unkempt, the image could equate to a lack of professionalism or work ethic to onlookers. If you’re looking for ways to boost your efficiency, the first step is to remove excess clutter and distraction from your workspace. Incorporate these tips and remain conscious of the effects mess can have on your workflowâ€"you’ll be amazed at the difference in your output.  Image Source    Image Source; Image Source

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Tips For Writing-Resume Objective For Internship

Tips For Writing-Resume Objective For InternshipIn this article, we will discuss some tips for writing resume objective for internship. There are a lot of people who do not know how to write a resume objective, which makes it difficult for them to get their dream job.When you are writing your resume objective for internship, you will need to think about the position that you are applying for. Most job seekers spend too much time thinking about the type of job they want when it comes to their resume. They do not realize that they can spend even more time on the topic area of their resume and still not have enough space to fit the rest of the information on the page.Your objective should include an outline of the skills that you possess. Include your work experience in this part. It is important to mention exactly what you do and how long you have been doing it. This will help ensure that you are included on the list of available jobs.You should not only write your resume objective for internship but also include a summary of your educational background and the awards you received. Describe in detail the benefits that your experiences will bring to the company and also include any unusual circumstances that have occurred. If possible, give examples of problems you have encountered. These should be mentioned to make the readers understand the reason why you are really interested in the job.You should also mention the benefits that you will receive from working for the company and the fact that you can use their products' experience for your own products' development. While there are companies that do not allow employees to do this, there are also companies that prefer employees to share their ideas. So, this is the part that you will need to be careful about because you might not like the reason why you will be working with the company.An important tip to remember when writing your resume objective for the internship is to take into consideration the present condi tions of the job. This is another important tip in writing a resume objective for internship. If the company offers a higher salary than you are currently getting, do not hide the fact that you are working for free. This is something that should be mentioned in your resume objective for internship and that should be related to the title.Remember that it is not very easy to get the perfect job. You will need to work hard in order to achieve success. So, you should put all the effort in your resume objective for internship.Writing resume objective for internship is not as difficult as you think. It is just a matter of putting your thoughts and ideas down in a coherent manner so that it will make sense to the reader. Just be sure that you have discussed everything that is necessary and that you will get a good job when you apply for it.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Forbes Top 100 Career Websites List Dissected - Career Pivot

Forbes Top 100 Career Websites List Dissected - Career Pivot Forbes Top 100 Career Websites List Ever since Career Pivot appeared on the Forbes Top 100 Career Websites List I have wanted to closely dissect this list to better understand the industry and trends. Here is what I found! I created my own categories and I placed each website in one and only one category. Therefore, my analysis is strictly subjective! General Career Coaching/Services The largest category with thirty websites on the Forbes Top 100 Career Websites list were those that provide general career coaching or provided a career related service. This included websites: CAREEREALISM Guerrilla Marketing For Job Hunters Jibberjobber Profession Direction The Career Artisan Tweak It Together. I selected the websites somewhat at random but it gives you a good flavor for the wide variety of services they provide. Most contain a free component but every website is intended to sell some career service. The thing that I found interesting is most, if not all, of these websites did not exist prior to 2006. This is an industry that has grown up in the last ten years to service the growing population that need career related services. Job Boards This category really surprised me!! I fully expected to see CareerBuilder,, Monster, SimplyHired, Indeed, TheLadders, and USAJobs. There were over 25 websites on theForbes Top 100 Career Websites list that fit this category. Some were really interesting: CareerBliss â€" CareerBliss empowers you to choose happy with company reviews and ratings, salary info and jobs CoolWorks â€" Summer Jobs and Seasonal Jobs in Great Places FlexJobs â€" Telecommuting Jobs and Professional Part-Time Jobs Modern-Day Nomads â€" Top Travel Jobs Inspiration for Globetrekking, Creative Professionals Startup Hire â€"Search thousands of jobs at the world’s best startups and find your place to shine Above is just a sampling of some of the really interesting job board websites. There are many more specialty job boards. Gen Y/Millenials A significant number of websites targeted the Gen Y or Millenial generation. I have a son who is a very early Millenial and he graduated college in 2006 exactly four years after graduating from High School. (Very unusual for this generation!!) The great recessionstarted in the fall of 2008 with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. He has grown up to be a fine young man and he is off my payroll! In thinking about this generation, the vast majority are graduating into the worst job market since the great depression.On top of that, their baby boomer parents told them to follow their passion. The jobs and careers would follow. Boy did that not happen! Listen to the most recent episode Heck there are five websites on the Forbes Top 100 Career Websites list with Internin their name! A few examples of these websites include: Boredom to Boardroom â€" Helping young professionals build successful careers with an inside look into HR and the corporate Levo League â€" Levo League is a social good startup designed to elevate young women in the workforce by providing the career resources needed to achieve personal and professional success The Branding Muse â€" The Branding Muse provides actionable advice and resources that eliminate confusion and helps students, working professionals and entrepreneurs develop their personal brand Communities There were eleven websites on theForbes Top 100 Career Websites list that I classified as community websites. Their purpose was to create a community that would help itself. Some of these are free and some have a monthly charge. This includes websites: Kindred HQ Talent Culture General Resouces There quite a few general resource websites that you will recognize like, Glassdoor, and Careers section. What about Baby Boomers? Well, this is what surprised me. There were only two websites on the Forbes Top 100 Career Websites list that are explicitly dedicated to Baby Boomer issues. Career Pivot and My Lifestyle Career. There is where their focus is on encore careers for social good. You could bundle them into this category and say three websites. None the less, it appears to be an under served market. I want to pose the question â€" why are there so few online services focused on the Baby Boomer generation? Let me know what you think? I will be writing about this next week! Marc Miller Like what you just read? Share it with your friends using the buttons above. Like What You Read? Get Career Pivot Insights! Check out the Repurpose Your Career Podcast Do You Need Help With ...

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Qualifications Required to Become a Chef in the UK

The Qualifications Required to Become a Chef in the UK The Qualifications Required to Become a Chef in the UK The Qualifications Required to Become a Chef in the UKMore and more people in the UK are  choosing  a career as a qualified chef. With the rise of the ‘celebrity chef’ over recent years the  appeal  of this highly-rewarding career is proving too tempting for many. In this article we will provide some tips on the best route to train as a chef in the UK. Remember, it is not essential, nor is it a requirement, to obtain formal qualifications in order to become a chef. In addition to this, it does not mean that you won’t find success if you do not embark on an accredited course. However, if you have the time and the determination, we strongly recommend that you do.  It is far better to start off on the right foot and receive the correct training, as opposed to working in a kitchen where there is a distinct lack of experience or know-how. Here, you will only pick up bad habits and traits.Where you get the right training for you is a different matter altogether and one that is totall y down to individual choice and preference. Before you embark on any training course we strongly recommend that you find out everything there is to know about the course, who will be teaching you, what the course covers in terms of content, and how long it lasts.We will now provide you with some useful information on the type of courses that are available to you.THE PROFESSIONAL CHEF DIPLOMA â€" NVQ LEVELS 1,2 AND 3You will find that there are a number of colleges and Universities that run the Professional Chef Diploma course. If you have the time and dedication this is a great way to learn your trade as a chef. The course is extremely in-depth and it requires the candidate’s thorough attention for the 3 year duration. In order to enrol on the course you will need to have a good level of education and an obvious passion for the industry.Successful completion of the professional chef diploma will almost guarantee you work as the qualification is highly regarded within the industry. WHAT DOES THE COURSE CONSIST OF?Year 1 â€" NVQ Level 1 in Food Preparation; Basic Food Hygiene Certificate; Part completion of NVQ 2 Food Service; ABC Pastry Level 2 Certificate.Year 2 â€" NVQ Level 2 in Food Preparation; NVQ Level 2 in Food Service; Intermediate Food Hygiene; ABC Advanced Pastry Level Diploma.Year 3 â€" NVQ Level 3 â€" including kitchen, larder and pastry work; Diploma with culinary arts which include gastronomy, wines and supervision.  GETTING ON TO THE PROFESSIONAL CHEF DIPLOMA COURSEThe first step is to find a college or educational establishment that runs the course. See the ‘Training courses and Qualifications’ page for more information.Most educational establishments that run the course will invite you to attend an interview to see whether you are right for them, and they are right for you. Remember that the course is 3 years in duration and naturally they want to know that you are going to have the ability and dedication to complete it.The types of quest ions you are likely to be asked are as follows:Why do you want to study on this course?Why have you chosen this college/university?Have you studied before at such a level?What experience/qualifications do you have already within your chosen profession?  What do you know about the course already?What will you do with your qualification if you are successful in passing the course?BTEC NATIONAL CERTIFICATE IN HOSPITALITY SUPERVISIONThis is a 2 year course which will provide you with in-depth knowledge of catering, hospitality, and restaurant and hotel management. The course combines the BTEC National Certificate with the appropriate NVQ’s and you will need to have at least 4 GCSE’s at grade A-C or the equivalent to enroll on the course.   A good standard of written English is also required.The course is full time and you will need to attend an interview in order to be accepted onto the course. During the course you will have the opportunity to work in real restaurants and kitchens which all forms part of the NVQ for Food Production. The course structure also gives you the opportunity to study in specific areas such as Hospitality Customer Care and Supervision.ADVANCED CHEF DIPLOMA â€" DAY RELEASEThe Advanced Chef Diploma is an intensive 30 day course which is run on a ‘day release’ basis. It is ideal for Chef’s who are already working within the industry and it is designed to further increase knowledge, skill and understanding of the industry. The course is run by experienced and highly qualified chef’s and is predominantly practical based. Amongst other topics the course covers the following elements:Advanced cookery MethodsSkills and TechniquesHealth and safetyEquipment and CommoditiesDuring this course you will be continuously assessed by experienced chef’s and you will be required to create a portfolio of you work that will also be assessed at the end of the. In order to enrol on the course you will need to already be working as a chef and have NVQ Level 2 qualifications or similar.  FOUNDATION DEGREE IN CULINARY ARTSThe Foundation degree in Culinary Arts is usually 3 years in duration and is on a full time basis.The course combines work-based projects with study modules to develop food production and cooking skills to a high level which meets the needs of a range of quality hospitality and catering outlets. There will normally be up to 20 people on the course and the qualifications/requirements to  enrol  are as follows:Under 21 â€"  Those under 21 should normally have one full A level, an NVQ, or an Advanced Modern Apprenticeship which includes level 3 qualifications in a service related topic.Over 21 â€"  Those candidates who are over 21 may not need qualifications depending on the establishment running the course. However, the lack of qualifications will need to be replaced with experience within the industry.Depending on the establishment you wish to study at the courses normally begin in either February or September. CRAFT BAKERY CITY AND GUILDS LEVEL 2This one year course is designed to prepare you for a career in the Bakery or Catering industry and is a Nationally recognised qualification. The course covers the following elements• Receiving and storing bakery material • How to maintain a safe and hygienic environment • How to maintain good working relationships • How to operate and monitor bakery machines • How to contribute to production control, efficiency and product qualityThere are also further ‘optional’ elements to the course that you may wish to study: • How to prepare and mix ingredients for fermented products • How to portion, form and shape fermented products • How to condition and bake fermented products • How to prepare and mix ingredients for non-fermented products • How to portion, form and shape non-fermented productsThose people who complete the course often progress on to work for a bakery or catering employer. There is always a demand for qua lified staff in this area.Do you want to train to become a chef?Chris Flatt, an experienced chef of 17 years, has written a comprehensive 238-page book on the different training routes to becoming a chef, how you can easily gain valuable experience, ho to put together the all-important CV that WILL get your foot in the door as well as detailed advice on personal equipment, marketing yourself and setting up your own business.Contents of How to Become a Chef include:CHAPTER 1 â€" IntroductionCHAPTER 2 â€" What’s It Like To Work As A Chef?CHAPTER 3 â€" The Different Training Routes Open For ChefsCHAPTER 4 â€" Training to become a chefCHAPTER 5 â€" Once qualified â€" the different routes you can take for gaining experienceCHAPTER 6 â€" How to build up your CV, including sample templatesCHAPTER 7 â€" Example work experience needed to become a 5 star Hotel Head ChefCHAPTER 8 â€" Personal EquipmentCHAPTER 9 â€" Setting Up Your Own BusinessCHAPTER 10 â€" Marketing yourself as a self-emplo yed chef/businessCHAPTER 11 â€" Coming to the UK to study and work as a ChefCHAPTER 12 â€" Frequently asked questionsOrder now for today’s price of only £12.97. 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Friday, May 8, 2020

The Basics of Executive Cover Letter Writing

The Basics of Executive Cover Letter Writing An executive resume cover letter shouldn’t simply restate your resume in paragraph form. If you’ve been crafting your resume like this, then it’s time to revisit some of the basics of cover letter writing. The purpose of a cover letter is to sell yourself to the potential employer you are interested in working for. This may mean adding some details or specifics to things already present on your resume, but simply restating the information is a great way for yours to get overlooked. Here are some of the basics of writing an executive resume cover letter. Grab The Reader’s Attention The first sentence of your cover letter should grab the reader’s attention enough to where they want to continue reading. You could even start it off with a question. Read the job description thoroughly to see exactly what the employer is looking for to fill their open position. And when you ask the question, be sure the answer to it is “yes”. Not only will this immediately get the reader’s attention, but it will also suggest you are the answer to the problem they need to solve. Demonstrate Past Success The most effective resumes and cover letters will give specific examples of your past accomplishments and success. If you helped increase sales numbers by a certain percentage, explain those numbers briefly. Just remember there’s a fine line between giving success stories and coming across as arrogant, so it could be valuable to visit a cover letter writing service to make sure you aren’t crossing the line in your writing inadvertently. Provide Statistics Statistics are always going to grab the attention of a reader. Many times a hiring manager will scan resumes and cover letters quickly and look for bold, italics, numbers and percentages and start reading from that point. The main thing to remember is to make sure the statistics you provide from your past jobs are relevant to the role you’re applying for now. Potential employers are only interested in your past success if it can easily translate to help them. Invite Interaction Putting in some sort of call-to-action shows a genuine interest on your part. Every cover letter writing service will suggest either telling the reader how they can contact you or saying you will follow-up in a certain amount of time. If you choose to include the latter, be sure to follow through with your commitment since you never know if they are anxiously awaiting your call. Professional Resume Services can help you with all aspects of your executive resume cover letter. Whether you have a blank piece of paper and don’t know where to start or if you’ve got a first draft and need a skilled proofreader and editor, we are here for you. Your cover letter is important and should take some time to craft perfectly, so contact us at any time for assistance or advice.